So you’ve been trying to optimize your site and get it ranked in the search engines? You might be making the subsequent mistakes that usually affect an SEO campaign.

A simple mistake that can be easily avoided when you’re doing SEO for your site is, lowering the use of images and increasing the content. Images do enhance a site but in the long run you’ll realize that they don’t do much for your search engine optimization efforts.

Instead of that, you should try and get more unique content that not only helps the readers but also gives the search engines a reason to rank you well. Do use images, but only where you reckon it is necessary. Don’t overload your site with unnecessary images that will slow down your site and not help the search engines much when it comes to ranking. But, if you really can’t do without images and really want to have them on your site, don’t forget to contain your main keywords in the ALT tag of your images. This is something that the search engines can read, unlike the image itself. The best way to deal with this is to try and replace most of the images with something that’s worthy to read and also has your keywords in it. Search engines like written content, which is why you should keep it in mind all the time.

Another common mistake that should be avoided at all costs by SEO marketers is not focusing on the title and the description of your page. When search engines list your site in their results, what you basically see is the title of that page along with the small description.

This is the initially impression that your visitor will get even before hitting your website. You should try to contain the main benefits and your site’s USP into the title as well as the content. There is no reason why you should take it set alight because ultimately, you’ll have to convince people even before they visit your site. Besides that, search engines have really evolved in the past few years and have become really smart when it comes down to ranking sites. They no longer take the meta tags as vital but depend more on the title and the content of the page.

It is a mistake to leave your images without ALT tags, don’t make it. Contain ALT tags on all of the images on your site as the search engines reckon this is vital. The primary reason for using these tags is so that while an image is still loading, your visitors will be able to tell what it is about. But it can help you with your search engine placement. Be certain that the keywords you place in the ALT tags are acceptable to be read by both search engines and human readers. In general, your SEO efforts depend on a amalgamation of hard work and common sense, as well as avoiding the above mistakes.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on landscape rake.

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