S.E.O. in its most simplest form is a number of steps taken to make sure a web site search engine is friendly and make it show up within the search engines. At more advanced levels, search engine optimization  could be performed to let the website have a high rank within the search engines, preferably within the first couple of position.

A website should rank highly in the search engines so that it will obtain free traffic from the search engines. This traffic is very valuable and relevant due to broadcast incoming from search engines being already interested in no matter what they are looking for and are very likely to explore the site .

These visitors could become long term visitors if the web site has excellent content or become customers if the web site has a desirable service or product.

Searching the web is the dominant type of looking for in rank these days. The priority for the search engines is to give relevant search results to utilizers. When someone puts in a search axiom, the search engine will give the most relevant data the self is looking for and that’s why these visitors are usually always relevant visitors.

No one understands for sure how engines rank web pages except for the search engine companies huge boss and programmers. Yet, it is honest to deduce that every search engine possesses its own unique algorithm for web site ranking; otherwise all the search engines would be showing the same results.

A lot of specialists confirm that there are a few fundamentals in S.E.O. that could impact how search engines rank a web page -


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- If key words are utilized within the page’s URL

- If key words are utilized within the page’s title

- If key words are utilized within the meta text description

- If key words are utilized within the page’s content

- If key words are utilizing the tag

- How many internal links point to the page

- How many external links point to the page

- If the external pages that link to the page are relevant in subject topic

- If key words utilized to link to the page are relevant

- If the images utilized within the page have alternate text which includes the key words

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