There are many conflicting tips on how to do various seo tactics for making your web sites and for making back links. One expert will tell you to use your key word once for every 10 words, another will tell you to use it every 20 words, and another will tell you not to even use it more than once. This article will try to shed some light on areas such as these and give you some real advice on building pages and making links.


We’ll start first with on page criteria. When making your title you should always make sure to use your key word in the title tag, but not more than once. Using the key word more than once will make the search engines reckon you are spamming your key word. The same rule applies to your meta description and the heading of your body copy. You’ll also want to make sure that it does not appear more than once within the first 100 words or so. This will help your pageranking because you will not look like a key word spammer, and it will help the readability of your page. Nameless wants to read an article that uses the same key word in every condemn.


A excellent rule of thumb is to make sure that you do not use your keyword more than once every 250 words. Using different words will also help you with your rankings because you may end up ranking for those different words as well as your main keyword.


Following this, we need to make sure that you participate in the proper long term ethical back link building methods. First, make sure that you know which key words you want each page to rank for. After you know which keywords to try and rank for, the rest of the process becomes much simpler. Make sure that you use proper keyword attach text within each of your newly built back links.


Now you’ll need to determine the best ways to go about making new back links to your web site. Never submit to a link farm. These links are completely useless and may even get you penalized in the search engines. You wouldn’t want to build links that get you banned from the search engines would you?


Make sure that you only engage in white hat link building methods. Do not engage in any sort of black hat seo tactics. These types of practices may also get you banned from the search engines and will not help your web site in the long run anyway.


Web site owners should know that search engine optimization is hard and not for every self. You may want to reckon about looking into a search engine optimization business with a excellent seo package. These companies will ensure that you do not do anything in the search engines to get you banned. They can also get you honestly quick rankings in the search engines for a reasonable price. You may find that the time you free up by not doing your own seo can be used to make you even more money.

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