At present a web site has to be noticed and shared via the extensive amount of social networking sites that are out there in diplomacy to truly gain advantage with the search engines. Your article can be in print a hundred times but if it never gets shared through Twitter or Digg it does not get much favor with the search engines and essentially goes unrecognized.  Today getting noticed is about having your blog posts shared by social net-workers and you need to have a bunch of friends, hundreds in fact, vacant out and tweeting your articles and posts to gain the appreciation of the search engines.  Writing and posting articles and not having them socially bookmarked is a lot like buying a groundbreaking new Porsche and never being able to back it out of your garage.  There are so many software programs out there today that auto submit your article that it’s losing trustworthiness quick with the search engines, they want more now and justifiably so.

So how the heck do you get enough people to notice and share your blog posts to the extent the search engines want?  You sign up for SEO co-op and instantaneously have hundreds of people vacant out each and digging, tweeting and posting your articles, that’s how.  SEO co-op has, as part of the program, an article re-writer and an article auto submitter that spins many distinguished versions of your one article and submits it to dozens of article sites.  Then we send the membership out to socially bookmark persons articles.  SEO co-op is the only program available today that thought to go the extra mile and contain social bookmarking as part of the program.  SEO co-op is the most complete set of internet marketing tools available today.  The program is 100% search engine friendly and works according to the very rules established by the search engines.  This is SEO marketing at it’s best

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Incoming search terms:

  • article on benefits of social networking
  • articles of benefits of social networking sites
  • benefits of social networking sites
  • benefits of social networking sites article
  • Benefits of Social Networking Sites in SEO
  • social networking sites benefits article
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