If you want your website to appear in the top Google search results for keywords with any kind of competition, you will primarily need lots of backlinks. Though, background up those links is commonly a lot of hard work.

What Web 2 Mayhem offers is a whole run of software tools and online applications that make link-building that much simpler. There are far too many different features included in W2M for me to list them all in this small review, so let’s just highlight some of the major features and functions of the logic:

The central piece of software is an account creator and content distributor. This is a windows-application that runs from your desktop. The account creation tool will semi-automatically make user-accounts for you on many article sites, social bookmarking sites, RSS aggregators and even free blogging platforms like Doodlekit and Bravejournal.

The automatic submission tools can then post your content (articles, audio, videos) to all of those sites automatically. Needless to say, this will lead to each and every one of your articles and videos getting lots of exposure and you will also get backlinks from most of the sites you submit your content to (with the exception of a few sites that have no-stay on tags on their links)

In order to mix things up a small, Web2Mayhem also includes an article spinning tool. It allows you to effortlessly and efficiently add spinning syntax to your writing so that the auto-submitters will randomize the content for each site submitted to.

Another thing worth pointing out is that the Web 2 Mayhem membership includes a logic called Syndicate Kahuna, which is a blog network you can submit articles to. Among the tools, you’ll also find a 3-way linking tool that is a breeze to bed in and use and will get you a few inbound links instantaneously.

And to get you started, the logic also includes several keyword research tools that help you find fantastic markets and search terms go for.

One thing I really need to mention is the training notes: Part of the Web 2 Mayhem package are very meticulous instructions and video- tutorials on how to use each of the tools as well as a step- by- step logic for promoting your websites. Even if you have not had much success with search engine optimization previously, you’ll find Web 2 Mayhem simple to pick up and learn as you go. The techniques you’ll learn in the training run are very effectual and you’ll learn quite a lot about SEO along the way.

In case you have been doing Search Engine Optimization for a while, the link- building methods listed above will all be familiar to you: Article submissions, social bookmarking, video- marketing etc. are all common ways of getting more inbound links and visitors. So, Web 2 Mayhem does nothing inexplicable or magical. It simply helps you do the things that work a lot more quickly and efficiently than you could ever do them by hand.

By and large, this program is well worth checking out. Give it a try for a while. If you stick to the logic and make use of all the resources, there is no doubt that the results will speak for themselves.

Here’s a video with some additional info:

For more in rank, check out my full Web2Mayhem review.

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