Matt Van Wagner, CEO, FindMeFaster, interviews Bryan Eisenberg, co-initiator of FutureNow, about SEO tools of the trade at SES Toronto 2009. Bryan says if he could only select one SEO/analytics tool to take with him on a desert island, it would be Google’s Website Optimizer. Bryan says the main reason for his choice is because while 79% of organizations are measuring data, only 30% of organizations are doing anything based on that data. Google Website Optimizer allows you to test different options on your website and allows for visitors to your website to choose and select which are the best options for them. Bryan also recommends the web development toolbar, whyslow and knowem for ID management. Bryan also previews some of the new analytics tools his company is effective on, one is called Ontarget, which is tied into Google analytics. For more info: http
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Free search engine optimization (SEO) tools with the audience in the Connect Peak.
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