If you have a website, you want to become a traffic magnet.  Being able to attract traffic instead of fight to get it is not that hard to do when you reckon of things from your prospect’s perspective.  What is stopping them from buying what you sell?  

Initially, you should use an analytics program.  This gives you insight into why people leave without buying.  If you can figure out why they aren’t buying, you can fix it and they might.  Google’s analytics is free to everyone and certainly worth taking a look at.  If you have the data from visitors, you can improve the performance of your sites and make more money.

Now, find where your audience is already vacant.  Do searches for your main keyword terms (if you sell executive leather office chairs, doing a search for chair would work) and see what sites pop up.  Visit the 3 sites that show up initially.  Look on the bottom of persons sites for something indicating that they sell ad space.  Publicity on one of these sites is a fantastic shortcut when trying to get more traffic.  You may even find forums, blogs, or other social sites where you can post there for free.

Do you know about Google’s alerts program?  Google’s alerts benefit lets you know when people use keywords you want to know about.  Reckon about this: Your prospect goes to Yahoo Answers or a forum and questions a inquiry that relates to something you sell.  You can now go and help them out by answering their inquiry and leave a link to your website, too.  Setup questions as Google Alerts!  To figure out what questions are being questioned, go to Yahoo Answers and search your most basic keyword term.  The key is to take a piece of the inquiry and wrap it in quotes, that tells Google to only send you alerts with that exact term built-in in it and will save you from having to dig through alerts you don’t need or want (example:  “how do i get traffic”).  The best part is that Google already knows that the inquiry is there, so it will be back to find your link to your site and will give you credit for it.

Here is an obvious step that nobody considers.  In May of 2007, Google implemented a massive change to their search engine that was called “Complete Search”.  They took all of their individual search engines (video, news, blogs, images, etc…) and combined the results to make one massive index.  If you’ve searched for anything on Google, you’ve seen some of the news or video results mixed right in with the standard web results.  What this change told us smart marketers is that we should be targeting persons other variations on Google’s search engine to gain rankings a lot simpler.  Reckon about it, there are a lot less press releases and videos targeting your keyword terms then websites.  Use this and send out a press release when you have something newsworthy to broadcast.

Ross Goldberg is a traffic generation master who reveals all you could ever need to know about increasing traffic to your websites the right way.







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