One of the most vital factors that determine your ranking in Google happens to be the page rank. Having a high page rank can boost your search engine rankings and take your traffic to the next level. But, if you’re new to the whole SEO game then it might get confusing when it comes to increasing your page rank. The initially thing that you need to know is your link building efforts go hand in hand with growing your page, to a fantastic extent. So if you can gain high quality backlinks from sites that have a excellent page rank then it will automatically help you get to your SEO goals. In the subsequent article we shall be looking into a few page rank boosting tips that will help you get better rankings and more traffic.

Why does a certain site tend to rank so well for a particular word in Google, while yours stays in the rear? The search engine giant looks for one primary element before ranking a site and that is the quality of the content. Increasing your page rank is all about understanding these various elements that get collectively to give you the exposure you want. If you want Google to value your site and give it high preference, then initiation focusing on the quality of your content. Besides that, when you have excellent content on your site, you’ll automatically find other relevant sites and blogs linking to you. When you have a number of excellent PR sites giving you backlinks without you putting any direct effort, it obviously gives your site the boost it needs. Once you know this simple rule, increasing your page rank will become a lot simpler and fairer.

If your site is a blog then you should make sure to register it with special blog directories that have a high page rank due to all the incoming links. In diplomacy to make it worth it and to increase the rank of your site, you need to search for directories where you can post “do follow” links. Even though you won’t have to pay anything with most of these directories, sometimes there is a small fee which is worth the money. You will be able to find these blog directories reasonably easily by searching on Google.

Lastly, you have the opportunity to increase your page rank by using article directories that also have excellent PR to submit high quality articles. Try submitting to directories such as EzineArticles or GoArticles and others to get your efforts vacant. You might find you have plenty of unused PLR articles sitting around that could be rewritten and submitted to directories like this to help your PR efforts. Article directories allow you to add a resource box at the foot of any articles you submit that should contain a link back to your site. You’ll be gaining backlinks from persons high PR article directories, but you should find other webmasters will start to reprint your content on their own sites, giving you even more backlinks.

If you want a higher page rank, and your site to get ranked more highly by the search engines, use the above tactics every day and you’ll soon see results. If you want to increase your site’s visibility and gain more traffic, you have to pay attention to your page rank. Getting relevant traffic from the search engines will do more than anything else to help your business grow. This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on windchimes.

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