BlogGlue = window.BlogGlue || window.Arkayne || {}; BlogGlue.baseurl = ''; BlogGlue.go = function(e, a, cid, gid) { var id = a.getAttribute('id'); var orig = a.getAttribute('href'); var target = a.getAttribute('target'); var redir = [BlogGlue.baseurl, 'link', cid, gid, ''].join('/'); redir += '?ts=' + Math.random(); redir += '&url=' + escape(a.href); a.setAttribute('href', redir); setTimeout('BlogGlue.restore("' + id + '", "' + orig + '")', 0); return true; }; BlogGlue.restore = function(id, orig) { var a = document.getElementById(id); if (a) a.setAttribute('href', orig); };

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