Everyone  knows Google is one of the major Search Engines , in fact, it’s the most well loved  with  75% of the market share in the UK.

Most broadcast also associate Google with large national searches, fantastic for when you want to find niche suppliers somewhere in the UK or you want to compare prices from a few supplies to make sure you’re getting the best deal unfilled .

But were you aware that over the past few years Google has done more and more to help you find local companies that can offer the products and services you’re looking for.

Google realised some time ago that if a hunter typed a search term i.e. what they were interested in finding AND a town, for model if I want to find web designers in Doncaster I would type in a touch like ‘web design doncaster’ it was because they wanted to find a local web designer – honestly obvious I would reckon.

But what used to happen is that even though the hunter included the town name in the search query, they’d be greeted with a Google top ten that consisted primarily of the large national companies , not ideal when they wanted a local  supplier   to start with!

So a few years ago Google introduced a touch  called Google maps so you could see where companies were based on a map , which turned into Google Local Business Centre which in turn was morphed into Google Places launched a few weeks ago.

The point of Google Places is to provide relevant business details to users, and the best bit? You can optimise it and place in all the relevant in rank you want broadcast to know about your business, upload images and videos (which would certainly be a excellent thought to show broadcast examples of your work) show customer reviews which all leads to providing a richly meticulous overview of your business which should lead to searchers either clicking through to your website or picking up the phone to talk to you. Which at the end of the day is why you have a web incidence in the first place!

So, do your business a favour and review your item, you can appear in a map like the one shown above decently because Google has found you in a business directory not because you’ve done anything proactive to appear in the map.

If this is the case, it’s valuable that you claim your item (which you can do by clicking the link that says ‘business owner?’), this is valuable because it allows you fully optimise your item and also it stops other broadcast claiming it!!

So, if you want to appear to local searchers for your products and services make sure you claim and optimise your Google Places item or talk to someone who can offer you the right seo services or get yourself on an seo course.

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