Programs to automate Twitter marketing tasks were being greatly promoted a couple of ago. It was thought that you could use Twitter as an effective method to grow a list of prospective buyers for your products or services. Cutting through the hype, just what type of results can you look forward to with employing these Twitter marketing tools? In today’s article, we will talk about Twitter marketing and if it is even worth it for you to get involved with it.

I was one of persons who wanted to see if getting a huge subsequent on Twitter was vacant to help my product promotion efforts and so bought the tools. I joined programs that promised to get me followers on Twitter and bought software tools to help publicize my products. Altogether, I finished up purchasing about eight different programs that would aid me with all of this.

I paide for a tool that would automatically follow people for me in an attempt to have them follow me back. If someone was not subsequent me, I had another program that would automatically delete them from my to-follow list. Removing non-followers meant I could devote my attention on other people who might be influenced to follow me. Along with some other tools that are not really worth noting, I bought a program that would automatically take my blog posts and automatically Tweet them as soon as they were in print on my blog. And when I started using all of these software the results seemed to be astounding as they all did exactly what they said they would do. Nonetheless, my elation was quickly crushed when I realized that I wasn’t generating any money. Every day I would post more or less ten blog entries knowing that they would then automatically be shown on Twitter too. Wanting to increase the number of daily posts, I learned a way to automatically post any number of entries to my blog and hopefully get more followers.

Well, let me share my results: With three years utilizing these Twitter marketing tools, I had amassed very nearly 10,000 Twitter followers. You might reckon this is an incredible number, but that’s not the complete tale: In the same 3 year period, my Twitter account accumulated at least 15,000 blog posts that had links to my connect promotions. My blog posts showing on Twitter was the only sort of publicity for that blog I did and to determine the effectiveness of Twitter I did not even ping new posts as they were in print. Just how ‘excellent’ it was rapidly became evident: with 3 years just two connect sales generated $46.74 plus another $9.10 for Adsense. With just 2 - 4 visits daily originating from Twitter, perhaps this is not surprising.

Basically, having roughly ten thousand followers on Twitter using all these Twitter marketing tools will not give you the results you are looking for. At the end of the day I’m now out of pocket for the Twitter programs I paid for because my dollar return was so low. So in my opinion, although there may be excellent ways to promote on Twitter, using the automatic softwares are not the way to go.

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