The WordPress ABC plugin, otherwise known as the Automatic Backlink Creator plugin has been designed and developed to allow users an easier method to build those all important one way back links to your website.

So how does the plugin create the backlinks?

By means of two important and highly rated methods that the search engines like.

Firstly, the Automatic Backlink Creator Plugin allows users to submit spun articles with your links in them directly into the ABC database. These articles are then published on a “drip feed” basis into the WordPress sites of other users within the network. As with the first method, it is possible to select the category that your articles are published to, helping to improve relevancy.

Secondary, the ABC WordPress plugin allows user to submit anchor based keywords (maximum of 500) to your URL (maximum of 500) directly into the ABC database. The ABC database contains more than 2000 networked WordPress sites, and this number is growing daily as new sites are added. The link itself will appear on the front page of the sites in the categories that are chosen for that particular link or group of links. This is a powerful method for gaining back links as links from the front page of a site carry additional and favorable weight in the “eyes” of the search engines.

How is the WordPress ABC Plugin installed?

1. Upload the plugin to your WordPress site, as with any other plugin.

2. Activate it.

3. Either create or instead use an existing WordPress category on your own website.

4. Add the ABC widget to your website sidebar (to allow other links to show on your own site as part of the network).

5. Start inputting your keywords (as anchor text links) and the URLs you want them to point to into the admin panel of the plugin.

6. Start to enter your own spun articles into the system, again with your links in them also into the user admin panel of the plugin.

From this point forward the Automatic Backlink Creator, as the name suggests, will start building one one way backlinks for you. The number of links it can build for you is unlimited as their is no restriction on the number of articles you may publish, plus the network grows daily as new sites are added into the database.

Check out the following ABC Plugin video to see it in action-

The video really shows how easy the plugin is to use and when you combine this with the fact that it will build relevant, good quality backlinks to your site on a daily basis the benefits of time saving and rank increases will soon become apparent.

If you would like to buy or find out more about the ABC Automatic Backlink Creator plugin then click here.

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