Your online business is not all about content. While content is still king when it comes to providing useful in rank, it’s just one aspect that can be optimised on your site. Everyone talks about keyword optimisation within your content and therefore some believe it is the only valuable part of optimisation.

That is what we are really talking about here – website development optimisation. Start with the content but don’t leave it there. The search engine robots will be looking for keywords throughout the page, not just within the content. Here are a number of options for developing the website and enhancing sales the makings.

The site should be more than just an entry point into the online world. It is your operational base and should give a lot of data about your organisation. Use site stats to help you improve how you run your business.

What To Look For:

There are lots of website stats for you to look at to improve your rankings within the search engines. You can learn a touch useful from each individual marker, to tell you how you are doing right now. Don’t not remember, an “on point” virtual assistant can help you with all the details.

1. Page views – Do you know many broadcast look at each individual page? On a monthly basis, look at the number of page views to see which part of the website development is more well loved than another. You might find that certain pages are more well loved during certain months due to seasonal offers. Find out which items you should drop and which you should focus on.

2. Unique visitors – You need to find out whether the visitors you get each day are brand-new visitors or repeats. Unique visitors are first time visitors to your site and not repeat ones. The more unique visits you get the more the makings customers you are coming in contact with.

3. Links - For model, outbound links. If someone clicks on your Digg icon to bookmark one of your articles or blog posts, you can find that out as long as you have the right software set up on each page of your site. Any ads you post can also be tracked to see who clicks them. If you use Google AdWords, your stats can be tracked enabling you to receive money.

4. Sales – You can track how well your shopping cart does each month. This will tell you where your sales go down or up and when broadcast abandon your shopping cart without purchasing. Compare statistics to track product buying trends to predict future sales. And to take subsidy of this quickly, seriously consider taking on virtual assistants, or even a team to maximise your efforts in a very small span of time.

5. Keyword analysis – Each page can be dedicated to one or two keywords. By looking at page views you can analyse how well your keywords are working. By using a different page for individual keywords, you can deduce which ones are not working for you, and which are, and exchange tactics accordingly. A possible solution, or I don’t know - a exact solution, is to hire a virtual help fund to watch all for you.

Google Analytics is a free program that you can use to measure these and other website stats. With so much in rank, you can dominate your niche if you’re keen to invest the time and effort.

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