<a href=”http://ezinearticles.com/?Using-Article-Marketing-Automation-For-Link-Building&id=3098911″>Article Marketing Automation</a> is among the very best link building article marketing services that I have tried and that’s saying a real mouthful because I have tried a lot of them. It is effective and it’s very simple to work with. What more could I ask for?

<a href=”http://www.1stpageonline.com”>Article Marketing</a> is the biggest part of my strategy for building links and AMA is a large part of my article marketing strategy. That doesn’t mean it is the only such service I use, in fact I use a total of five different article submission services currently and I’m always on the lookout for new quality services to add to the list.

If you are just getting your start with article marketing then Article Marketing Automation is certainly a great one to get started with. The reason why is that it’s very easy to learn how to use. This isn’t true with some other article marketing websites that I am a member of which do actually have a bit of a learning curve to deal with.

To give you some examples of how good Article Marketing Automation does it’s job I am going to look at my own account and share some of the stats from my submissions. These stats are another cool feature with this service. Looking at them helps you to see the fruits of your labor so to speak.

I have an article in the dog niche that I sent out just over two months ago that’s been published 127 times already. My most published submission has been sent out to 386 different websites with Article Marketing Automation. And that number is still growing.

It’s understandable be concerned about Google’s duplicate content filter when you read about the hundreds of websites the article submissions end up on, but Article Marketing Automation makes use of spinning which allows you to make each version of your article as unique as you want it to be. Spinning your articles helps you to avoid this filter so that all of the links are counted which, of course, help you to raise your SERPS.

You can promote just about anything that you would want to with the power of article submissions as long as it’s legal but I strongly suggest promoting this <a href=”http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=88721″>Diet Affiliate Program</a> because it is a big market and this particular product does very well well if you presell it properly.

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